Sitemap - 2023 - Wondering Freely

Imagining green revolutions and freeing ourselves from zero-sum thinking

Advice for our time from Candide's closing lines: "We must cultivate our garden"

A piece for Newton Day: Jacques Gallot's Chaconne for Newton's comet

Seventeenth-century music, philosophy, and science: in search for a baroque aesthetic

Wishful thinking covid policy

Tell them I've had a wonderful life

The philosophizing factory worker

How cognitive technology can help us achieve cosmic harmony: thoughts from the Xunzi

Giovanni Zamboni's Grave from his 11th sonata for archlute

On letting yourself be

On studying Chinese (and other Asian) philosophy as a person of Asian heritage

Shall the epistemically meek inherit the earth?

Glad for my books

Philosophical friends and epistemic partiality in friendship

The Purpose of Twitter and the case for leaving

Illustrated edition of Margaret Cavendish, the Blazing-world, 1666

Facing the cold truth with Mr Klein

Vibing with the ancients

"This is life now", the shining wires of covid denialism

Networking: the good, the bad, and the tacky

It's okay to be an inefficient writer

Aging gracefully (?) with Zhuangzi

Bigoted views in our philosophical heroes: the case of Spinoza's misogynistic views

The Richness of reason IV: The influence of Native philosophies in Franciscus van den Enden's radical idea of egalitarian democracy

The richness of reason part 3: Not so fast -- Margaret Cavendish against the techno-optimists

What's the use of metaphysics?

The richness of reason part II -- Fontenelle's case for STEM education for women and girls

The Richness of Reason - part 1: for Marin Mersenne, all music is math rock

Sweat, pain, and death -- A father's day post on what beautiful architecture requires

Letter to Robin Waldun, on reviving the early modern tradition of philosophical letter writing

Heaven's Intent

The farmer across the street

Blessedness and the Zen road to affluence

Own voice, AI, and authenticity

Be cautious! On writing philosophy on culture wars topics

Some philosophy of science reflections on Sabine Hossenfelder's video on trans kids

Contemplative reading

DIY your own spirituality

Coming soon